Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I love Jacob but I'm with the Vamps.....I'd still stay with Jacob!

Today, I finished Eclipse.........Now I must suffer and wait. Does anybody have a book tittle to offer me for the meantime? Tell me, please. Now back to business (yeah right), who likes the Wolves (dogs) better than the Vampires (bloodsuckers)?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sorry I missed two days. I was in the best part of the book! But, anyway, I know more which produces more questions (and your thinking OMG! will it ever stop?) But, I don't have anygood questions sooooo....................What mode of transportation would you prefer to have from the Books?

I like the motorcycle(Cullen's and Bella's)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'll post something this afternoon but, I'll leave you thinking. If Edward marries Bella without biting her will their children be half human or will they have any Vampire in them at all? Will they live forever or just have a longer life span? Mmmmmm...........? Darns, I'll be thinking of this all throughout TCAP!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There's Todays picture. So, which would you rather: A Cullen to bite you and then leave you, a Cullen to make you fall in love with you and not bite you, or...........your friend turning out to be a Vampire who falls in love with you and you fall in love back and he bites you and marries you? Pick One!

Ok now here's the picture from the other day.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ah!!! Bus come back!!!

Hey, I gotta hurry and catch my bus! Ok, if you all of a sudden came across a guy that looked exactly like Edward what would you do? (hey I was under pressure!) Picture later.

Monday, April 14, 2008

So, now, What would you do if you had Eclipse in your bookshelf, at your reach, but you haven't read Full Moon........and you can't contact your friend who might have it. Anyway, what would you do?

(I seek advice!!!)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ok, now, I know I got on pretty late but I have two little sisters. Now would you guys answer this question: What would you do if Edward and Bella don't stay together? My answer is two the left of this post.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I started reading this series recently. When I did I got lot's of comments and noticed it was very popular.(mostly with girls) I decided to do this and ask random questions about it. When you answer please no spoilers thought.

1) First questions; Who is your favorite character? Why? And do I sound like a teacher?